The structure of the "New Europe" bridge is not endangered 30.10.2013
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The defects found on the "New Europe" bridge at Vidin - Calafat have nothing to do with the strength of the bridge construction. The inspection of the new facility in October was ordered by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Danail Papazov, because of the emerging cracks in the asphalt surface. The Commission has identified serious problems, but they will not affect the future operation of the bridge if they are eliminated properly and promptly.

Currently, vulnerabilities in the road surface appeared in both lanes at the bridge. Technical inspection of Bulgarian specialists found out that this is due to surface waters from rain that penetrate below the road surface due to heavy traffic. Actions for the improving the drainage system of the bridge have already began. At this stage, the deformations are only on the wearing layer of the asphalt, which has a thickness of 4 cm (the road surface has a total thickness of 10 cm) and urgent measures to correct it should be taken before the start of the winter season, when the water can freeze and cause serious damage to the road surface.

In early November, asphalt will be re-layered on all problematic areas. A temporary organization of the traffic on the bridge will be introduced, where all the traffic in both directions will be carried out on the direction lane BulgariaRomania.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications denies the information that appeared in the public domain that the bridge "may fall." The published information that the consequence of the defects is that there is water in the construction of the bridge, where there are cables and communications is also false. The investigation showed that there is water in some places due to technological unclosed openings in the structure, which will be closed by the end of November 2013.

According to the signed contract, all defects on the bridge identified by the end of 2013 are dealt at the expense of the contractor. The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications will impose strict control over the quality performance of all actions for their removal of the defects because after the end of the period, all future problems will be corrected at the expense of the joint Bulgarian-Romanian company for the operation and maintenance of the facility.

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