Minister Danail Papazov was at the accident site where а freight train derailed tonight 18.01.2014
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Violations on railway infrastructure should be considered a serious crime. This was said by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Danail Papazov during the review of the sight of the derailed freight train between stations Yana - Musachevo*. According to him, as early as Monday (January 20) these changes will be proposed to amend the Penal Code, which is currently being reviewed in the National Assembly.

"To me this is a serious crime, which may be regarded as an attempt to murder the two drivers", said Minister Papazov. In his words drivers were lucky as the engine has bypassed two pillars while derailing and the tanks shipped were empty.

Currently works to remove the rolling stock are to take place. The engine weighs about 120 tons and a minimum of two 100-ton cranes will be needed to remove the derailed machines. The operation is not simple, said Danail Papazov, adding that it can cost more than 200 000 Levs. Simultaneously there is an ongoing damage assessment of the tracks. 

"There is a constant abuse of the rail tracks which causes much damage. Last year, there were over 480 thefts and the losses for NRIC only amounted to nearly 1 million Levs without considering any of the offences towards of BDZ", added Danail Papazov.

Arrangements have been made and the train schedule will not be disrupted. The reconstruction of the railway, which is expected to be completed within a few days, is already underway. The Director General of National Railway Infrastructure Company, Milcho Lambrev, and representatives of other institutions attended the accident sight. 

*Last night (January 17th) at 22:46 pm, a diesel locomotive with the first seven carriages of train 20 697 derailed between the stations “Yana” and “Musachevo”. The cargo composition consisted of 18 wagons and traveled from station "Kremikovtzi", where it unloaded a serious amount of gas. No injuries were reported after the accident.

The early evidence suggests that the reason for the derailment of the wagons was the theft of 170 meters of track fasteners.  A commission to investigate the case was formed.

National Railway Infrastructure Company teams arrived immediately after the incident took place, along with the Chief Safety Controller of the Company, Biser Minchev.


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