The Public Transport Council stands for increasing finances in the sectoral Operational Programme for the period 2014-2020 23.01.2014
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European financing in the transport sector in the 2014-2020 period is extremely insufficient for the realization of the major projects in the next programming period. This was the view expressed by the Public Transport Council to the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications. The draft for Partnership Agreement of the Republic of Bulgaria 2014-2020, which sets out the assistance of the European structural and investment funds for the period 2014 - 2020 in the section "Transport", was discussed at a special meeting

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Petar Kirov stated that the total amount of funding is expected to be about 1.6 billion euros. According to members of the Public Council, this makes the "Transport and Transport Infrastructure" Operational Programme one of the most underestimated. Representatives of the branch organizations and unions voiced their views that it is unacceptable for the program with the best performance during the passing programming period and with the most visible results to be underestimated in the next period

"Our goal is to fund the transport system for the benefit of all users, so we will do everything possible to support all modes of transport", said Deputy Minister Kirov when presenting the document.

One of the main priorities of MTITC for the period 2014 – 2020, which is in accordance with the common European policy in the transport sector, is investing in the Bulgarian railways.

The proposals made during today's meeting will be included in the updated version of the agreement. The text of the document is to be finalized in short term and if necessary appropriate changes will be made to the text of the specific "Transport and transport infrastructure" Operational Programme, said Deputy Minister Petar Kirov.


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