Minister Danail Papazov and his Turkish counterpart agreed to sign a new road transport agreement 18.02.2014
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Following six-hour talks in Ankara between the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Danail Papazov and the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of Turkey Lutfi Elvan, a consensus was reached to resolve the problems of Bulgarian carriers when passing through Turkey.

The negotiations set the framework for the preparation of a new agreement to replace the existing 1977 Agreement on international carriage of passengers and goods between the two countries.

The two ministers agreed that the new document shall include the preparation for full liberalization of the licensing regime, which covers the bilateral and transit transportations except for the transportations from/to a third party. The Agreement envisages significant increase in permits from/to a third party upon its entry into force.

During the first week of March, experts from both countries will meet in Istanbul to prepare the draft agreement. The document must be completed by the end of March and following a discussion by both sides it is to be signed by the end of April.

A call center was agreed to be established as of 1 March at EA "Automobile Administration" in Sofia and at DG Rregulation of Road Transport in Ankara to resolve all problems and issues in the processing of documents of commercial vehicles on both sides. Both administrations are required to set the procedures and submit the approved a set of documents to the relevant authorities. 

Until the entry into force of the new Agreement, the parties agreed the two administrations to fully cooperate with the carriers in order to facilitate the activities of companies in the course of transportation services on the territories of Bulgaria and Turkey.

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