Executive Agency “Electronic Communication Networks and Information Systems” awarded special prize for contribution to the development of the electronic services 21.02.2014
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Executive Agency “Electronic Communication Networks and Information Systems” at the Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications was awarded the prize for special contribution to the development of electronic services in the administration. The prize is for the project “Technological integration of the electronic communications networks and the National network of the Public administration” and it was awarded to Krasimir Simonski, Executive Director of the Agency during the award ceremony in the competition “IT project of the Year”.

“This network is a unique example of the collaborative efforts of several organizations that worked together on this complex project”, stated Krasimir Simonski. “The project’s budget is not large but the infrastructure created will have big effect on the whole public administration and the ability to apply the cloud model using services” he also added.

The Single Electronic Communications Network (SECN) carries data, voice, video and service management in real time. After the integration of the two networks Executive Agency ECNIS owns an optic network with the total length of 5 377,665 km, 4 695,452 km of which are for interurban connectivity and a 682,213 km optic cable provides metro network connectivity in populated areas. The network is the basis for the construction of a single MPLS based network for data transmission within the country and it ensures connectivity with the greater part of the state and local governmental structure, providing communication services for transfer of voice, data and internet. At present the number of connected institutions and their branches to the network is 1300. The constructed SECN provides communication infrastructure for the implementation of e-government.

The competition “IT project of the year” was held for a 10th consecutive year by Computerworld Bulgaria which is part of ICT Media. In 2013 the initiative involved a total of 24 IT projects 13 of which were implemented in the administration and 11 in the private sector.

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  • e-services
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