Deputy Minister Georgi Todorov opened BULPOST offices in Stara Zagora and Plovdiv 26.02.2014
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Three new BULPOST offices were opened today as part of the active development of the courier services of “Bulgarian Posts”. The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Georgi Todorov, launched the offices in Stara Zagora and Plovdiv, while Rumyana Petrova from the Board of Directors of "Bulgarian Posts" EAD opened a separate office of the company in Blagoevgrad.

"We chose Stara Zagora as a town with potential for the courier services of Bulgarian Posts, because there is an apparent trend to improve performance both in the courier business and in other segments in the city" said Deputy Minister Todorov at the ceremony. He added that the district post office in Stara Zagora saw a 10% increase of the international shipments in January 2014 compared to last year. Vignettes sold in January 2014 were 13% more than the same period in 2013. Along with the efforts of the local team and all our employees in the country we hope that Bulgarian Posts can become the market leader in courier services, said Georgi Todorov.

The event was attended by the Deputy Governor of Stara Zagora, Teodora Ivanova, and the Mayor of the town, Jivko Todorov.

Deputy Minister Georgi Todorov launched an office of the courier division of Bulgarian Posts in Plovdiv. Providing a separate unit of BULPOST to the exchange-sorting center in the city resulted in growth of outbound traffic by 15% and revenue by 7%, said the Deputy Minister at the ceremony. According to him, the construction of an independent BULPOST office is expected to increase revenues by another 5%.

"In 2013, the post offices in Plovdiv worked hard with clients who sent their goods abroad. Several contracts were signed, resulting in growth in revenue from services abroad by about 55 %", said Georgi Todorov.

A project for the collection of local taxes by municipalities started in early 2014 in Plovdiv. To date, 16 contracts have been signed, as negotiations are ongoing and the signing of new ones is in progress. Cash collection starts from February 3, 2014 at 330 post offices with an on-line connectivity in the regional department.

The sale of vignettes in Plovdiv is carried out by 337 post offices, as the volume of the sales in 2014 was 7% higher than 2013.

The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Governors of Plovdiv, Atanas Petkov and Ivanka Petkova, and the Deputy Mayor Aleksandar Darzhikov.

During his visit in both cities, Deputy Minister Todorov inspected the exchange-sorting center in Stara Zagora and the division of the "Information Services" in Plovdiv.

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