Deputy Minister Georgi Todorov opened a reconstructed post office and a renovated computer lab at the School of Engineering in Smolyan 07.05.2014
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The post office in the district Raykovo, Smolyan, welcomed residents and corporate clients at its renovated premises. The reconstructed office was opened today by the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov.

This is the thirty-fourth "Bulgarian Posts" office, which has been opened after a complete renovation this year, said the Deputy Minister at the ceremony. In the last 12 months ten new post offices have started working in online mode. "Currently, 34 offices have Internet connectivity. There is a possibility for 30 offices to collect local taxes at municipalities that have signed contracts with the company”, said Georgi Todorov.

The Deputy Minister opened the Information Technology Lab at “Hristo Botev” Vocational School of Engineering. The hall was renovated with computers, courtesy of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Danail Papazov. Seventeen computers were tested during the opening by members of the advertising design and Open-Code World clubs.

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