Minister Papazov inspects the rehabilitation of the Central Railway Station in Sofia, the construction of the underground and the west part of the ring road 26.06.2014
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The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Danail Papazov inspected the rehabilitation of the Central Railway Station in Sofia.

Construction works at the station have started and 120 people work constantly at the site. Construction works are divided into two stages so that the activity at the station is not disrupted. Currently the first stage is in progress and it encompasses 60 per cent of the station premises. It is to be completed by January 2015 as at present the physical progress is about 12 per cent. The site is expected to be commissioned by November 2015.

Minister Danail Papazov inspected the construction of the section of the underground from Tzarigradsko Shose to the Airport and from residential area Mladost 1 to the Business Park in Mladost 4.

The progress in the section Tzarigradsko Shose-the Airport is 65 per cent. The total length of the section is 4.95 km and includes four stations – two that are underground and two open-air ones. Construction works have been completed and by August Boulevard Krastio Pastuhov is to be commissioned. In October the four stations are to be constructed. The whole section of the underground is to be completed by January 2015 with the start of the test period.

The progress on the section from residential area Mladost 1 to the Business Park in Mladost 4 is 53 per cent. The length of the section is 2.6 km with three stations and is divided into two Lots. There are ongoing construction works and by August the whole railway tracks are to be laid. According to the schedule construction works are to be completed by 15 September and traffic on Boulveard Aleksandar Malinov is to be resumed.

The project for expansion of the underground in Sofia: Stage 3 “Lot 1 Tzarigradsko Shose-the Airport” and “Lot 2 Mladost 1-the Business Park in Mladost 4” to be completed by June 2015.

Minister Papazov inspected the construction works along the West part of Sofia ring road. Construction works on the junction on Boulevard Tzaritza Yoana are in progress as well as the hydro-insulation works and the total progress on the site is over 55 per cent. Currently there are some acquisition procedures for parts of the project.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Peter Kirov, representatives of the Managing Board of OP Transport, National Railway Infrastructure Company and Sofia Metropoliten EAD took part in the site visit.

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