Minister Papazov reports on MTITC activities for the past year 03.07.2014
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Almost 555 million levs, which is about a third of all payments under the programme, were repaid under OP Transport in the past year. That was reported at the press conference given by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Danail Papazov.

The contract for the rehabilitation of Bourgas railway station will be signed next week, announced the Minister. One hundred and fifteen contracts were signed under the programme and the available financial resource has been agreed. Setting a faster work pace so as to complete all projects within the framework of the programming period was among the main objectives of the Ministry in the last year. In recent weeks all major infrastructure projects have been inspected to avoid any delays.

Danail Papazov reported that 12 draft laws have been designed and 38 regulatory acts have been adopted since June 2013 and their aim is to provide solution to the problems in the sector, improve the business environment and reduce the administrative burden.

“The enterprises in MTITC system show good results, unlike the situation in the railway sector”, said Minister Papazov. The main challenges are related to the negotiations with Holding BDZ EAD creditors and the completion of the sections that are under construction with funds from the capital transfer of National Railway Infrastructure Company and the projects under OP Transport. NRIC has built 50 km of road infrastructure with its own resources in the municipalities where new railway lines are being constructed. “We have restored the good dialogue with BDZ creditors and we have made specific proposals for the repayment of the debts”, added the Minister. Some of the measures undertaken for stabilizing the company have already proven effective and have to be elaborated so as to provide a sustainable result.

Reporting on MTITC activities the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov said that 216 new electronic administrative services have been deployed to serve the citizens, the business, and the central and local authorities. Some 200 inter-administrative electronic services have been introduced and 32 registers in the state administration have been connected.

Deputy Minister Todorov said that Bulgarian Posts EAD has no overdue liabilities. Last year the company acquired food vouchers license. In April 2014 the e-pension card was introduced and it provides the opportunity for the holder to get their pension in any town in the country. Bulgarian Posts have signed contracts with the Bulgarian Sorts Lottery for the sale of tickets in post offices and with Road Infrastructure Agency for the sale of vignette stickers. “Following discussions with the employees’ unions the company’s new collective working contract was signed”, he added.

At the end of the conference Minister Papazov outlined three important tasks to be completed:

  1. Monitoring and everyday control of the deadlines for implementation of projects financed under OP Transport.
  2. Finalizing the negotiations with Holding BDZ EAD creditors.
  3. Commissioning all railway infrastructure sites that are under construction of refurbishment financed under OPT and the State Budget so that the railway system can work effectively and generate revenues.
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  • Current Concessions
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