EAMA’s new electronic services were presented 04.07.2014
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Executive Agency Maritime Administration will provide six electronic services to its partners and users. Among the participants in their launch were the Deputy Prime Minister on Economic Development Daniela Bobeva, the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and communications Georgi Todorov, the Executive Director of EA Maritime Administration Jivko Petrov, the Director of Information Technology and e-Governance Directorate at MTITC Hristo Hristov, and Aleko Djildjov, State Expert at the Council of Ministers. 

“This is the first time such an interregister data exchange is being launched”, said Mrs. Bobeva. This is the result of the development of a platform that allows for the automated access to the registers of 14 administrations that are first rank data administrators. Over 30 000 seafarers will benefit from the new services that will save time and resources to the business and the people. “Similar services have been designed for the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency and the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo and are soon to be launched”, she added.

Deputy Minister Todorov highlighted that the indirect economic effect is of prior importance as it is being realized through the provision of better and comprehensive electronic services. “We save time, care for the environment and provide more resources for the economy”, he added.

“The project at EAMA is among the pilots under the project “Deployment of complex administrative services” under OP Administrative Capacity, announced Aleko Djildjov. He underlined that following the amendments to the APC the administration is obliged to provide complex administrative services and to exchange information that is present in the registers of the corresponding units.

“We have encompassed 32 registers and some 30 others are to be integrated. The process is to go on until all registers are covered so that they are in favour of the business and the people”, said Hristo Hristov, Director of Information Technology and e-Governance Directorate at MTITC.

The Executive Director of Maritime Administration Jivko Petrov presented the benefits of the services. Until now if one was to obtain a certificate the corresponding administration or employer had to apply for it in written form followed by checks and agreement before it could be issued and send back to the applicant. Sometimes this lead to delays in shipping schedule when the crew was subject to inspections. “Now this is all available online in just seconds”, explained Jivko Petrov.

During the event representatives of TechnoLogica, who have developed the services, presented in real time how to check the authenticity of a sailing certificate and data by entering the seafarer’s personal information or how to obtain a certificate for sailing experience.

EA Maritime Administration is among the pilot administrations in the project “Deployment of complex administrative services for the provision of quality services to the business and the people” that is being implemented with grants under OP Administrative Capacity.

The six new services are: cross check of the authenticity of sailing certificates and the data in it; issuing of sailing experience certificate; issuing/reissuing of certificates for specialized and auxiliary trainings required under international conventions; issuing/reissuing of sailing certificate for vessels up to 40 BT at sea and small vessels; issuing/reissuing of certificate for work at sea; issuing/reissuing of inner land waters sailing certificate.

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