CAA will upgrade 16 of its electronic services 29.07.2014
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Directorate General "Civil Aviation Administration" has launched a project to upgrade 16 of the most commonly used by the aviation industry e-services. With the implementation of the project these services will be conducted entirely electronically and the internal information and communication environment will be expanded so that the entire process of filing, processing and receipt of the documents is carried out electronically.

The project "Enhancing the quality of online e-government services through the upgrade of 16 administrative services to the fourth level of development" is funded under the Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity", its value being 792 799 20 levs. The implementation period is 18 months.

On 20 May this year, as a result of implementation of another project funded under the Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity", the Directorate General "Civil Aviation Administration" provided 35 electronic services to the citizens and businesses. Over 6000 employees and 185 organizations from the aviation sector now have the opportunity to submit electronic applications for authorization of an air carrier, certificates, approvals and other documents.

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