Planning IT policies and projects to be coordinated by MTITC, read the draft amendments to the e-Governance Act 24.09.2014
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The expert group on drafting the Law for amendment of the e-Governance Act presented to the Transport Minister Nikolina Angelkova the project with the new texts of the legislative document. It was drafted by experts from the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, the employers and branch organizations (KRIB, BCCI, BAIT, BASCOM), BAS, universities and NGOs. This week the project is to be discussed with ICT directors in state administration as well as with representatives of the ICT business. After that the draft Law is to be published for public discussion. The intent of the present MTITC team is to prepare the draft law and to present it to the next cabinet.

At the beginning of the terms of office of the caretaker government Minister Angelkova announced that speeding up projects on e-government and improvement of legislation in the field were among the main priorities of her team. The Minister pinpointed 20 September as a deadline to present the first version of the draft.

The main amendments to the Act aim at ensuring synchronization in the work of the institutions in the field of e-governance. This will be achieved by assigning new rights to the Transport Minister who will coordinate the planning of IT policies and various projects in the administration so as to establish operational grounds for e-governance.  The new responsibilities are also related to coordination when planning the necessary information resources in the state including investment programs and projects to address the requirements of the Law and strategies for the development of e-government.

Among the major amendments to the e-Governance Act is the establishment of a State Systematic Administrator. This body will maintain and ensure full operation of the common systems and information resources of the electronic governance by complying with the requirements for interoperability and information security. The other task of the Administrator is to test and accept project results as well as their integration in the common information e-governance environment with the aim to provide sustainability and effective usage.

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