54 administrations, 5 universities, 9 banks and service providers have been attacked by hackers in 2014 25.09.2014
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Cyber-attacks do not skip Bulgaria, said the Deputy Minister of Transport, information Technology and Communications Kamen Spassov during the opening of the 13th International Conference on Information Security and Data Collection. He cited information from the GovCERT to the Executive Agency Electronic Communication Networks and Information Systems at MTITC. In the first seven months of 2014 over 1300 signals for hacker attacks that were received from 32 732 Internet addresses, were registered.  

Deputy Minister Spassov gave as a specific example the Zeus Kins virus that has affected 54 state and municipal administrations, 5 universities, 9 banks, several service providers and a large number of Internet providers.

The role of the GovCERT is to assist in reducing risks and cooperate in incident management, said the Deputy Minister. He also added that MTITC works on the expansion of the possibilities at the Centre to cooperate more actively with administrations so as to prevent threats to the network and information security.

Deputy Minister Spassov underlined the need to complete the project for national cyber-security strategy. The global nature of information security requires a wider international cooperation. Bulgaria is expanding its participation in one of the forms of those partnerships, namely cyber training.

The 13th International Conference on Information Security and Data Collection was organized by ICT Media with the partnership of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, the Defense Ministry, State Agency “National Security” and ISACA Sofia Chapter.

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