Minister Nikolina Angelkova: We are looking for funding opportunities for the design of the intermodal terminal in Varna 09.10.2014
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We are looking for funding opportunities for the design of the intermodal terminal in Varna. The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Nikolina Angelkova said that, during her meeting with representatives of the maritime industry in Varna. She said that currently there are analysis of the possibility for the project to be financed from the budget of the State Enterprise "Port Infrastructure", but without compromising on the operational activities of the company. Another option are European funds.

Consortium "Energoproekt - Royal Haskoning" was ranked first out of seven candidates, but the contract cannot be signed until it is fully financially secured. "The intermodal terminal is crucial for both Bulgaria and the development of the maritime transport. The overall concept of opening the city to the sea, the proper use of existing infrastructure and linking rail, road and maritime transport, which will be possible with the terminal, is very important for the development of the city. Using joint efforts, together with the Municipality of Varna, we can draw consecutive steps in this direction. As the construction of the intermodal terminal is the common desire of all of us", said Minister Angelkova.

Possibilities for creating special-saving emergency search and rescue service for incidents in maritime and air transport were discussed during the meeting with the maritime industry. "With the establishment of such unit we will achieve optimization and much better coordination of responses in critical situations", said Nikolina Angelkova.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications coordinates the search and rescue and it is very important to draw short-term steps for cooperation in this direction. At the initiative of Minister Nikolina Angelkova tomorrow (October 10th) is convened a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defence, Bulgarian Air Traffic Authority and Executive Agency "Maritime Administration" which has the means to search and rescue. Minister Angelkova said that only in the budget of the Bulgarian Air Traffic Authority for 2015 about 2 million Levs have been set aside for this activity. They are released under the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and are provided specifically for search and rescue. "Therefore we should use this resource appropriately and in close coordination with all relevant institutions", said Minister Angelkova.

The participants in the meeting shared the opinion that work is needed for the development of an integrated maritime policy strategy.

"A year ago, an interagency working group created the concept for this strategy but now it could turn into a working document agreed with the maritime branch, the businesses and our European partners“, said the Transport Minister.

Nikolina Angelkova informed the maritime business that she has negotiated, during her visit to Romania, to be removed the fee of € 150, which the Romanian side was planning to implement for mooring at the port of Beket. The problem was presented by the branch organizations on 1 October at a meeting with the Minister. Given the importance of the matter, the Minister has committed with its fast solution and requested an urgent meeting with her Romanian colleagues. As a result, on 4 October it was negotiated with the Deputy Prime Minister of Romania Liviu Dragnea that the fee would not be entered. "In the next few days we are expecting the official letter from the Romanian side, which will confirm and the formal resolution of the issue“, said Nikolina Angelkova.

In response to a question, Minister Angelkova said that she supports the opinion of the industry and it is possible the employees of the Maritime Accident Investigation Unit to be moved from Sofia to Varna in a short period. This will provide a much better response in case of incidents.

Later in the day, the Minister visited the Central Post Office Varna to greet the Bulgarian Posts’ employees for the occasion of World Post Day (October 9). This year the Bulgarian postal sector has a double celebration because it marks 140 years since the establishment of the World Postal Union and 135 years of the establishment of Bulgarian Posts.

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