Minister Nikolina Angelkova held a constructive meeting with the trade union organizations in the railway sector 15.10.2014
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Each of the proposed concrete measures, related to the improving of the working conditions, the improving of the qualifications of the operating staff and the maintenance and the repair of the rolling stock and the railway infrastructure, which will be presented by the management of the two railway companies will be coherent with you.This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Nikolina Angelkova during the meeting with the trade union organizations in the railway sector, which was extremely constructive.

The participants in the meeting united around the opinion that it is necessary to undertake immediate actions for improvement the working process and control in order to guarantee the safety of the railway carriage of passengers and freight.Minister Angelkova said that she relies on the managements of the trade unions to participate actively and along with them to identify the emergency measures, related to the improving and the maintenance and the repair of the rolling stock and the railway infrastructure of the working conditions, improving the qualifications of the operating staff which should be realized immediately.She reminded that additional funds will not be sought but will come from the revised business plans which will include exactly those activities defined along with the social partners as priorities.

The next meeting between  the management of MTITC and the social partners will be held on Friday 24th October 2014 with planned discssusion on concrete measures and proposals received from the railway carrier and NRIC.

The meeting on behalf of the Ministry was attended by Minister Nikolina Angelkova, Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov, Executive Director of Executive Agency "Railway Administration" Veselin Vasilev, Director General of SE NRIC Milcho Lambrev, Executive Director of "Holding BDZ" Christian Krastev and Chief Auditor of Safety in NRIC Biser Minchev. The trade unions were represented by Ekaterina Yordanova – Chairwoman of the Union of Transport syndicates in Bulgaria to Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB), Peter Bunev - Chairman of the Trade Union of Railwaymen in Bulgaria to CITUB, Rosen Zarkov - President of the Federation of Transport Workers, Zorincho Yordanov - Chairman of the National Railroad Union to CL "Support" and Georgi Manolov - Chairman of the Trade Union of Railway staff in Bulgaria.

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