The draft amendments of the E-Governance Law have been published for public consultation 20.10.2014
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The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications published for public comment a draft amendment of the E-Governance Law. Motivated proposals can be submitted for 14 days.

An expert group appointed by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Nikolina Angelkova prepared the amendments of the E-Governance Law. The team consisted experts from the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC), professionals and employers’ of organizations in the sector (CEIBG BCCI BAIT, BASCOM), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, universities and NGOs.

The project was presented to directors in charge of information technology and network security in ministries and agencies as well as companies in the sector of information technology and communications. Over 80 suggestions and comments were received, as most of them were included in the draft changes after an analysis of the working group. The project was presented and approved by the Council for E-governance, which is chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva.

The aim of the changes is accelerating the E-Government and creating efficient and effective systems and services of the public administration. The main amendments to the Law are aimed at ensuring coherence in the work of institutions in the field of E-governance. The focus is updating the powers of the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, who will coordinate the planning of the sectorial IT policies and various projects in the administration, so as to create a working environment for E-government. The new responsibilities are related to the coordination when planning the necessary information resources in the state, including investment programs and projects to meet the requirements of the law and the development strategies of the E-government.

One of the main changes in the E-governance Law is the creation of a system administrator that will ensure the sustainability of the results and the projects in e-government. This structure will carry out the maintenance and the full functionality of the general systems and information resources in E-government, in compliance with all requirements for interoperability and information security. Another task of the administrator is to participate in the testing and adoption of project results, as well as their integration into the overall information environment of the E-government in order to ensure their sustainability and efficient use.

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