Minister Nikolina Angelkova announces a competition for inspectors at the Maritime Accident Investigation Unit in Varna and Burgas 27.10.2014
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The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Nikolina Angelkova announced a competition for the two openings for inspectors at the Maritime Accident Investigation Unit. The offices of the two inspectors will be in Varna and Burgas, thus the Maritime Accident Investigation Unit will be relocated near the sea.

This comes as a result of the meeting of the branch organizations in the maritime sector with the Minister a few days ago, when they pinpointed as one of the main issues the location of the maritime accident investigation units away from the sea. In their opinion relocating them in port cities will facilitate the working process and will significantly reduce the response time of the state authorities in cases of incidents.

Applications for the two openings will be filed until 11 November 2014. The main requirements are a bachelor educational degree at the least and at least four years of experience in shipping or junior government official rank III. Another requirement is fluency in English.

At present there are 11 people working at the Air, Maritime and Railway Accident Investigation Unit, as two of them will be located in Varna and Burgas – those to investigate maritime accidents.

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