MTITC holds training on the usage of apps to cut down costs and boost effectiveness 20.11.2014
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The ways to significantly reduce costs and increase effectiveness in the state administration via the use of the already existing Internet applications were the main topic of the training for Secretaries General and Heads of IT departments at ministries and agencies, which was held today under the initiative of the ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov and the Ambassador of the Czech Republic Pavel Vatzek welcomed the participants. Representatives of NetMail – Google’s Czech partner, lectured the training.

  • Concession of Sofia airport
  • Current Concessions
  • e-services
  • Operational Programme on Transport 2007-2013
  • ITU's 150th Anniversary
  • Development of Broadband in Republic of Bulgaria
  • Digital Agenda for Europe
  • Open Data
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