Bulgaria and Brazil’s national flags on a postage stamp on the occasion of the diplomatic relations between the two countries 26.11.2014
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The 80th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Brazil was commemorated with the issuance of a special postal-philatelic item. The chargé d'affaires at the Brazilian Embassy in Sofia Richardo Guerra de Araujo, the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov and the Foreign Deputy Minister Valentin Poriazov validated it with a seal.

The postage card depicts the colours of Bulgaria and Brazil’s national flags and the project artist is Boyana Pavlova. The card is in circulation of 955 copies.

“Irrespective of the fact that we are located on different continents we have a lot in common, like politics and football”, said Deputy Minister Borissov at the ceremony. He added that Bulgarians are proud that the first woman to be elected president of Brazil, Dilma Ruseff, is of Bulgarian descent. What is more, she was reelected by her people a second time as a country leader. Valery Borissov added that a number of Brazilian football players are leaders in the Bulgarian championship, as currently 13 Brazilian players and a coach play in Bulgarian teams.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Valentin Poriazov and the chargé d'affaires of the Brazilian Embassy in Sofia Richardo Guerra de Araujo pinpointed the excellent relations between the two countries when delivering their welcome speeches.

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