Minister Ivaylo Moskovski inspects the construction works on the railway line Dimitrovgrad – Svilengrad 27.11.2014
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The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Ivaylo Moskovski, inspected the construction works on the railway line Dimitrovgrad – Svilengrad today. The project is funded under the Operational Program "Transport" 2007 - 2013, with 60% of the implementation already executed.
The first lot covers the route Dimitrovgrad - Harmanli. The construction contract is worth nearly 143 million lev without VAT and 70% completion has been achieved. Minister Moskovski inspected the largest station along the line - Dimitrovgrad, which is completely renovated. Currently, the completion of the crossover lags behind due to the complexity of the site and the heavy rains this summer. "I hope the weather will allow us to launch traffic along at least one of the lanes in December", said Ivaylo Moskovski. He took note of the inconveniences to the residents of the city caused by the construction works and committed to monitor the compliance with the schedule of the contractor. Thanks to the project for modernization of the railway line, some additional 6 million lev were invested for road and pedestrian facilities in the city, which will facilitate the journeys of citizens.
About 60% has been comleted in the second lot of the project - Harmanli - Svilengrad. The cost of its construction is about 122 million lev incl. VAT. The entire project should be completed by the end of 2015 in orderd to absorb funds from the Operational Program "Transport". All payments under the program are executed, and National Railway Infrastructure Company only was paid nearly 490 million lev. "My main priority is to speed up the work in order to complete all infrastructure projects that started in my previous mandate", said Minister Moskovski. In his words, in some places the delays are serious, but every effort to absorb all available funds under OP "Transport" should be made.

  • Concession of Sofia airport
  • Current Concessions
  • e-services
  • Operational Programme on Transport 2007-2013
  • ITU's 150th Anniversary
  • Development of Broadband in Republic of Bulgaria
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