Ivaylo Moskovski: Gabrovo bypass to be completed in time 03.02.2015
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We will complete the construction of the bypass in the town of Gabrovo in time and in compliance with the defined parameters, said the minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski during today’s inspection of the site. The Deputy Prime Minister for EU Funds and Economic Policies Tomislav Donchev and the minister of Regional Development and Public Works Liliyana Pavlova also visited the site. The Deputy PM and the two Ministers took the commitment to fully cooperate in issuing construction certificates, which will speed up the completion of the project.

Minister Moskovski added that the construction of a tunnel under Shipka Peak (Lot 2 of the project) will be financed under Operational Program “Transport and Transport Infrastructure” 2014-2020. “I believe that following the tender procedures for other road projects, we will achieve economy in funds to later channel them into the construction of the tunnel”, pointed out Minister Moskovski. Trans-European Transport corridor №9 is of prior importance for Bulgaria and our priority is to develop the transport infrastructure along this route, part of which are the bypass and Shipka tunnel, added the Transport Minister.

Lot 1 of the project “Bypass in the town of Gabrvo”, which is currently in progress, is financed under OP Transport 2007-2013. Its value amounts to 95 million Levs and is divided in four Lots and one Lot connection. The latter encompasses the construction of 12 km of new roads, 2 new road intersections, 4 new bridges and a tunnel. The existing 7-kilometer road, the 2 road intersections and a bridge are being rehabilitated and a 3-kilometer road is being reconstructed.

Responding to a journalist’s question Minister Moskovski said that currently a strategy for the development of BDZ is in progress. The strategy will propose investment measures for the purchase of rolling stock, the improvement of the railway infrastructure and the strengthening of security of the service. He added that the amount for the repair of the damages to the infrastructure could not be defined yet, as the process of repair is ongoing.

Following the inspection in Gabrovo Minister Moskovski visited the regions in distress in Harmali and Svilengrad where there are a few problematic sections of the railway infrastructure due to fallen rocks and flooding of the tracks.

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