Ivaylo Moskovski: Coordination and cooperation between Black Sea countries is of prior importance to blue economy 24.03.2015
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Utilizing the opportunities of maritime sector to achieve economic and social progress has gained ever greater significance and maritime countries should make optimal use of this resource, said the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski at the opening of the international conference “Smart and blue – new opportunities for blue economy in the Black Sea”. The forum is jointly organized by the Ministry of Transport, information Technology and Communications and the European Commission.

The first conference dedicated on the development of blue economy in the Black Sea was held at the beginning of last year in Bucharest. “By organizing such events we make an important step towards enhancing the cooperation and exchange of information between countries in the region, with the view to achieve an integrated approach in the development of various maritime-related sectors”, said the Minister. He added that today’s forum is a good opportunity to report on what was achieved during the year and to discuss key issues that in the long run will define the role of blue economy in the Black Sea.

“Our main priorities in the field of maritime sector concern the development and modernization of ports, increase in the quality of the services, deployment of intelligent transport systems, safety and security of transportations, as well as limiting harmful emissions from shipping:, said Ivaylo Moskovski. The conference discussed other issues related to fisheries, generating jobs, attracting coastal and cruise tourism, the complete business environment, legislative framework in the maritime affairs, opportunities for cooperation  and the role of maritime clusters and networks.

The European Commissioner responsible for environment, maritime affairs and fisheries, Karmenu Vella, participated in the opening of the conference. He called for maximum utilization of the opportunities for financing multilateral projects on behalf of the Black Sea countries. In his words the European Commission will fully support such initiatives.

Delegations from Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and representatives of a series of Black Sea organizations took part in the event.

Later in the day, during a bilateral meeting between the Transport Minister and Commissioner Vella, the two discussed undertaking coordinated actions to achieve integrated maritime policy, which are related to the development of maritime spatial planning, integrated coastal zone management, as well as improvement of the scientific cooperation and knowledge of marine environment.

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