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Flight Accident
At 15.55 on the land of the village Kozlovets, in the vicinity of Svistov, a flight accident, with an agricultural airplane, has been realized. According to the initial data, the air plane is...
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Minister Mutafchiev Will Meet His Turkish Colleague
The minister of transport Peter Mutafchiev will meet tomorrow April 12, 2006 the Minister of Transport and Communications of Republic of Turkey Binali Yıldırım. The talks will take place on the...
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Fly Safety Annual Analysis for the Year 2005 Has Been Presented
The aircraft accident investigation unit presented on April 03, 2006 “An Annual Air Safety Analysis for the Year 2005” The analysis is carried out annually and its goal is to acquaint ...
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The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev Presented a Brochure Concerning the Membership in the EU and the Automobile Branch
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev presented a brochure “The Automobile Carriers after the Accession of Bulgaria to the European Union”. The event took place yesterday, April 05,...
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The Executive Agency Automobile Administration Ordered an Immediate Examination in Connection with the “Group Plus” Bus Accident
Executive Agency Automobile Administration ordered an immediate examination in connection with the “Group Plus” LTD bus accident. The event happened by 7 o’clock am, this morning on...
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The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev will visit Ruse
The minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev will visit Ruse on April 4, 2006. He will open there a conference “150 Years from the Creation of the First International Commission for Navigation on...
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Newly Appointed Directors in “Automobile Administration”
On March 9, 2006 a competition, in accordance with the Law of the state official, for directors of Directory “Automobile Administration” took place. The candidates ranked on the first...
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A New Rubric on the Site of Executive Agency “Automobile Administration”
The executive agency “Automobile Administration” started a new rubric – questions and answers to the theme “Republic of Bulgaria and the European Union – Automobile...
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The Russian Air Company OAO “Iljushin Finance Co.” Presented Its New Airliners
The Russian Air Financial-Leasing company OAO “Iljushin Finance Co.” presented today to the aviation branch in our country its major projects and also its new civil airliners, Russian...
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Solely Two Companies from the “Black List” Have Fulfiled Freight Flights from/to the Territory of Our Country
Only two air companies, which failed into “ A “ list have fulfilled cargo flights from, and to the territory of Bulgaria in the period January 2005 – March 2006. This are “GST...
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Minister Mutafchiev Will Attend the Session of the European Union Transport Minister Council
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev will attend the session of the European Union transport minister council. It will take place on Monday, March 27, 2006 under the chairmanship of Austria...
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Minister Mutafchiev Started the Service “Telepost” Today
The Minister of Transport started today the new service of “Bulgarian Posts” LTD “Telepost”. Using it, the Minister greeted the leaders of the governing coalition, ministers,...
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Minister Mutafchiev Will Attend the Start of the “Automatic Train Control System” ETCS
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev will attend the start of the “Automatic Train Control system” – ETCS realized together with Alcatel, Austria. The official opening...
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Minister Mutafchiev Formed a Staff for Action Coordination, to Prevail over the Damages from the Natural Disasters
By order of the Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev, a staff was set up today to coordinate the actions on getting the consequences from the natural disasters, big accidents and crisis in the...
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