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MT Bestow on Municipality Vratsa a Multimedia Projector with a Mobile Computer and Twelve Baby-Seats for Automobile
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev opened today a Municipal Center for methodical, educational, and sportive activities on road safety in the District Social Complex for Work with Children...
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Minister Mutafchiev Will Open Municipal Center for Traffic Safety in Vratsa
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev will open tomorrow September 26 a Municipal center for methodical educational and sportive activities for road safety in the District Social Complex for...
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Bulgaria and Rumania Will Cooperate in Building of a Functional Airspace Bloc
The Minister of Transport of Republic of Bulgaria Peter Mutafchiev and the Minister of Transport, Construction and Tourism of Rumania Radu Bercany signed a common statement regarding the mutual...
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The Ninth Session of the Mixed Intergovernmental Bulgarian-Rumanian Commission for Commercial-Economical and Scientific-Technical Cooperation Will Take Place in Rumania on September 20-21, 2006
The ninth session of the Mixed Intergovernmental Bulgarian-Rumanian Commission for Commercial-Technical and Scientific-Technical Cooperation will take place in Bucharest on September 20–21,...
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European Seminar for Popularization of the Maritime Labor Convention Was Opened in Varna
In our sea capital city Varna was opened the first European seminar for popularization of the Maritime Labor Convention, organized by the Ministry of Transport, EA “Maritime...
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Minister Mutafchiev Will Present the Coming Transport Projects
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev will present the coming projects in the transport branch, scheduled to the end of the year. This will happen on a conference, on Monday, September 18, 2006,...
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The Ministry of Transport is Co-promoter of European Seminar for Popularization of the Maritime Labor Convention
The Ministry of Transport, EA ”Maritime Administration” THE Ship-owner Association in Bulgaria and the Seamen Syndicate are promoting a Regional European Seminar for popularization of the...
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MT and NC “BI-BIT” with Initiative for Student’s Safety Enhancement
Paying attention to the prevention, as a factor, reducing the accidents on the road, and especially those with children, the Ministry of Transport, EA “Automobile Administration” and...
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Minister Mutafchiev Attended the Pan-European Conference for the Domestic Waterways
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev attended the Third Pan-European Ministers Conference for the Domestic Waterways. It took place on September 13 – 14, 2006 in Bucharest. Host of the...
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The Syndicate Organizations KNSB and KT”Podkrepa” Met the Future Concessionaire of the Airports in Varna and Burgas
Representatives of the syndicate organizations KNSB and KT”Podkrepa” met today the future concessionaire of the Airports in Varna and Burgas. The meeting took place with the support of...
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Minister Mutafchiev will Sign the Contract with “Fraport Twin Star Airport Management” Ltd for a Concession of Our Sea Airports
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev and the Directors-Executives of “Fraport Twin Star Airport Management” Ltd (with shareholders Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide...
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On the Occasion of the Sea Airport Concession a meeting with Syndicates Representatives took Place in the Ministry of Transport
In the Ministry of Transport, a work meeting took place with representatives of the two syndicate organizations KNSB and KT “Podkrepa”. It was requested by the head offices of the two...
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BDZ Strengthened the Control over Its Property
“BDZ” Ltd strengthened the control over its property by creating an additional unit “Property and Transportation Security” after a resolution of the Company Directors council....
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Final Examination of the New Airport Sofia Runway System,before it’s Putting into Operation
The last check of the new runway technical condition will be carried out tomorrow, August 30, 2006 at 15.00 o’clock on the governmental VIP-Hall of Sofia Airport. The examination includes a...
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