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The Ministry of Transport Started a New Rubric “Anticorruption” on its Internet Portal Today
The Ministry of Transport started today on its internet portal a new rubric “Anticorruption”. It aims the effective dialogue with the citizens, regarding the prevention and reaction...
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Almost Half a Million External Visitors Have Been Recorded in the Internet Portal of the Ministry of Transport from the Year Begin until Now
Almost half a million external visitors have been recorded in the internet portal of the Ministry of Transport ( from the year begin until now. From the official start of the...
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Captain Plamen Dimkin is the New Member of the Director Council of Navigation Maritime Bulgare
After the yesterday’s decision of the Council Ministers to increase the members number of the “Navigation Maritime Bulgare” Director Council, the Minister of Transport Peter...
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MT Prolonged the Latest Date for Tender Submitting for Projecting and Constructing Executor of Danube Bridge2
The Ministry of Transport, with the confirmation of the EU Delegation in Sofia, prolonged the final date for tender submission for projecting and constructing executor of the new combined (road and...
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Minister Mutafchiev will Reward the Two Motormen of the Crashed Fast Train
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev issued an order to reward the two motormen of the fast train №8615, for the exceptional professionalism shown and the timely actions, what prevented...
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The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev Ordered BDZ and NC “Railway Infrastructure” to Undertake Urgent Measures to Eliminate the Problem with the Serbian Railways
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev ordered “BDZ” Ltd and NC “Railway Infrastructure to undertake urgent measures to eliminate the problem with the Serbian Railways. This...
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Minister Mutafchiev Will Make an Inspection of the Railway Accident at Kazichene Railway Station
On the occasion of the railway accident, happened today, at 14.06, at Kazichene railway station, the Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev immediately ordered an investigation commission to be...
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The Agreement Connected with the Building and Putting into Operation Process of Danube Bridge 2 will be Signed
The agreement between the Rumanian Government and the Bulgarian Government regarding the cross-border traffic of persons, transport means, equipment and materials, in the building and putting into...
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First Sod Turned on the New Road Connection to Sofia Airport
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev initiated the construction works on the new road connection, beginning at the “Brussels” Boulevard, to the new passenger terminal of Sofia...
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Minister Mutafchiev and the Chairman of KNSB Doctor Hristov Discussed the Transport Sector Problems
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev and the Chairman of KNSB doctor Hristov discussed the transport sector problems on a meeting which took place in the Ministry of Transport. The main...
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The Session of TRACECA National Secretaries from the Countries of the Main Multilateral Agreement Finished
The Deputy Minister of Transport Georgi Peterneichev attended the Session of TRACECA national secretaries from the countries of the Main Multilateral Agreement, which took place on July 20th and 21st...
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Minister Mutafchiev in the Darik Radio Broadcast “Portfolio”
In the Darik radio broadcast “Portfolio”, Minister Mutafchiev gave answers to live questions, regarding the field of air transport. The discussed issues were connected with the...
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An Agreement Achieved Between the Ministry of Transport and Strabag about Sofia Airport
The Ministry of Transport and Strabag signed a protocol. According to this document the new Sofia Airport facilities will be handed over in two stages. The terminal building and part of the civil...
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The Ministry of Transport Co-operated for the Transportation of Our Compatriots from Lebanon
Today at 10.40, on the airport in Varna landed the “Bulgarian Air Charter” airliner, which transported 108 compatriots from Syria. Minister Mutafchiev sent a letter of thanks to the...
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