Quality of service (QoS) refers to the capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic over various technologies.
The European Union intends to ensure the availability of a minimum set of high-quality services that are available to all users at an affordable price, without distortion of competition. It therefore lays down obligations with regard to the provision of certain mandatory services, such as the retail provision of leased lines. It also establishes end-users' rights and the corresponding obligations of undertakings that provide publicly available electronic communications networks and services. |
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Необходимо e да бъде осигурено изпълнението на изискванията по отношение на редица характеристики на услугата от гледна точка на осигуряваното качество, включително на гарантирани скорости, закъснение, загуба на пакети и сигурност по отношение на пренасяната информация в мрежата.