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The participants of the First regional forum on internet governance in Southeastern Europe SEEDIG can apply to a fellowship programme at the IGF Secretariat in Geneva that lasts for six months

On the 3rd of June the city of Sofia will be the host of the First regional forum on internet governance in Southeastern Europe SEEDIG under the overarching theme “Multistakeholder Internet governance: from the global debates to the South Eastern European realities”. SEEDIG is a pre-event to this year’s EuroDIG forum on Internet governance, which will be held on the 4th – 5th of June.

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has a fellowship programme aimed to provide those with a strong interest in Internet governance with an opportunity to work at the IGF Secretariat, in Geneva, for six months (with a possibility of extension to nine months). This programme is meant to contribute to capacity building in developing countries, as the fellows gain experience in the policy and debate related to Internet governance. Nominations for the fellowship are accepted through national and regional IGF initiatives, and preference is given to nominees from least developed countries, developing countries and transitional economies.

Stakeholders from South Eastern Europe who have a strong interest in Internet governance and would like to be considered for a fellowship at the IGF Secretariat are invited to submit their expressions of interest to Submissions should include a CV, a letter of interest, and the name and contact details of two reference persons.

The deadline for submissions is: 7 June 2015.

Participation in the SEEDIG regional forum and EuroDIG is free, but requires a registration, which can be done at the 31st of May 2015.

Requirements and/or conditions applicable to IGF fellows:

- nominated fellows must be able to demonstrate that they have a strong interest in Internet governance related issues. They must also be fluent in English (a general knowledge of French or another UN language is desirable);

- selected fellows commit to return to their home countries at the end of the fellowship, and to use the knowledge acquired during the fellowship to engage in Internet governance processes at a national level;

- the fellowship is offered for a period of six months. This can be extended to nine months, on the basis of the Secretariat's needs and the fellow's activity;

- during the tenure of the fellowship, the fellows will be paid specific allowances. These allowances are intended to cover only the normal expenses which the fellow will incur outside his/her home country and are not a substitute for any salary the fellow may be earning. The United Nations will also arrange for all travel connected with the fellowship;

- from and to the home country and the beginning and end of the fellowship);

- fellows cannot hold dual citizenship.

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