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The Deputy Minister of Transport Vesela Gospodinova Presented the New Director-General of SE “ATC”
The Deputy Minister of Transport Vesela Gospodinova, as a chairman of the EA “ATC” Board presented today the new Director-General Emanuil Radev to the employees of the company. He...
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Minister Mutafchiev Met the New Founded BASAT
The Minister of Transport Minister Mutafchiev, the Deputy Minister of Transport Georgi Peterneichev and the Director-Executive of EA “Automobile Administration” Volodia Kirov met...
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The Ministry of Transport will be presented for the First Time on “Expo Real”
The Ministry of Transport will be presented on the 9th international commercial fair for transport and real estate “Real Expo”. It will take place on October 23-25, 2006 in Munich,...
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The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev Will Open the 23rd European Regional IFATSA Conference
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev will open the 23rd European Regional IFATCA Conference – The International Federation of the ATC associations, tomorrow October 21, 2006 in Hotel...
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Minister Mutafchiev Patron of “Railway Forum 2006”
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev was a Patron of the international conference “Railway Forum 2006” which took place in Veliko Tarnovo on October 9-10, 2006. During the forum the...
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Minister Mutafchiev will Attend the Meeting of the Council of the European Union (Transport, Telecommunications and Energy)
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev will attend the Meeting of the Council of the European Union (Transport, Telecommunications and Energy). It will take place on October 12th, 2006 in...
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Minister Mutafchiev Met Minister Dr. Alois Rhiel
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev met today the Minister of Economic, Transport and Public Works of the German Federal Province Hessen Dr. Alois Rhiel. The goal of the talks was to...
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Railway Forum 2006 Will Take Place in Veliko Tarnovo
Under the patronage of the Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev on October 9th and 10th 2006 in Veliko Tarnovo, an international conference “Railway Forum 2006” will take place. It has...
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Four Companies Submitted Tenders for Executor of the Danube Bridge 2 Projecting and Constructing Works
The valuation of the most important auction for the projecting and constructing works, of the new combined bridge (railway and road), over the river Danube, near Vidin-Kalafat starts today. The...
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The Tenders for Executor of the Projecting and Constructing of Danube Bridge 2 Will be Opened Publicly in the Ministry of Transport
The Tenders for executor of the projecting and constructing of Danube Bridge 2 will be opened publicly in the ministry of transport. This will happen on October 2, 2006 at 14 o’clock in the...
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Peter Mutafchiev: The Accident from Today is an Indication for the Condition of Our Railways
The today’s accident is an indication for the bad condition of our railway transport, said the Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev during a conference, after a train derailed on Vlado...
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Minister Mutafchiev Released a Post Edition on Theme “Transport – Cars Made in Bulgaria”
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev and the Chairman of the State Agency for Informational technologies Plamen Vackov released a special post-philately edition on theme “Transport...
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Minister Mutafchiev Met Aviation Business Representatives
The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev met representatives of the Bulgarian Aviation Association and the Pilot’s Union today in the Building of the Ministry of Transport. The reason for...
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Results from the First Three-Party Seminar on the Ratification of the Sea Labor Convention
The first three-party seminar, initiated by the Bulgarian side, is the first event of this kind, which is taking place after the 94th sea session of the International Labor Organization. Host of the...
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