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The Russian Air Company OAO “Iljushin Finance Co.” Presented Its New Airliners


  The Russian Air Financial-Leasing company OAO “Iljushin Finance Co.” presented today to the aviation branch in our country its major projects and also its new civil airliners, Russian – Ukrainian production – IL-96, TU-204-100/300 and AN-148.During the meeting the director  general of OAO “Iljushin Finance Co.”  Alexander Rubtsov made a presentation.

The delegation is on two days visit in our country. Business meetings with representatives of General Directorate “Civil Aeronautical Administration”, as well with Bulgarian air companies, potential investors and other interested organizations and persons are envisaged.

Co-promoters of the meeting are GD “Civil Aeronautical Administration” The Bulgarian Aerospace Agency, BACA Aviation LTD and the Association of Bulgarian Air Companies ABA. “Iljushin Finance Co.” has been created in 1999 with the goal to offer a new Russian aviation technology to the domestic and the international market on financial leasing, including export crediting. The company is caring out strategic investments in perspective air construction enterprises in Russia and CIS countries and won recognition as leading factor in the construction organization of new civil airplanes.

So far eight airplanes IL-96-300 and TU-204-100/300 have been built and sold. At the moment contracts for financing and trading of another 12 airplanes are being fulfilled for customers from Russia and other countries.

The airliner IL-96-300 is designed for transport of 269 passengers on intercontinental distances, up to 13500 kilometers.  TU-204-300 is a new variant of the middle range airplane Tu-204-100 with a shortened passenger saloon, intended to accomplish long distance flights.

During the presentation Mr. Rubtsov said, OAO “Iljushin Finance Co.” will energetic participate in the marketing of the new regional civil airliner AN-148, which, at the present time, is finishing its certification tests. The expectations are this airplane to achieve a considerable commercial success in the relatively new market niche of the 80-seats regional jets.

Firma BACA Aviation LTD was presented as a supplier of equipment, connected with the flight safety and works on the aviation market in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and CIS since 1999. It represents also the German firma Dreger Aerospace (producer of aviation oxygen equipment) for that region. At the same time BASA Aviation performs consulting activities in the field of civil aviation and stands for the interests of leading aviation producers from Russia and Ukraine, such as Tupolev, KAPO “S. P. Gorbunov”, HGAP in Bulgaria and the Balkan countries.      

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