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The Minister of Transport Started an Internet Portal Version for Visually Impaired Today


 The Minister of Transport started today an Internet portal version for visually impaired, in the presence of the director-executive of the Agency for impaired people Minco Koralski, the chairman of the National culture club “Luis Brail” Spas Karafezov. The event attended also representatives of many non-governmental organizations.

“We will endeavor to give full information about the services, which the Ministry of Transport companies are offering, as well about  the rights the people with disabilities have”, Minister Mutafchiev said. “I'm deeply convinced that our model will be followed from other administrations, so that in the near future we will be able to say that no barrier can stop the information”, the minister challenges.

“I would like to express my gratitude to the ministry about the fact that it is the first time the Bulgarian administration has a new vision about the problems the people with disabilities have. This is the first ministry, which begins a new broad program directed to the people with disabilities and I would like to wish them success; I must also confess that we will “steal” the good idea and the site of the Agency for visually impaired will be the next with version for visually impaired. We will widen our cooperation” declared Minco Koralski.

“I would like to express my great gratitude regarding this gesture of the Ministry of Transport. You give an infectious example about the way, the good practices of the EU and the advanced countries should be applied in the state administration”, said Spas Karafezov.

Following the European directives, to ensure an equal access to the information for all social groups and full information on legislation, projects, strategies and services which the state administration offers, the Ministry of Transport developed a new version of the internet portal – for visually impaired. This is the first internet page of a kind in the state administration, wholly discussed with its users – National Culture Club “Luis Brail” and its members, with the special support of Ivan Dobrovolov. It facilitates the access of all people to the services granted by the Ministry of Transport in the context of the coming EU membership of Bulgaria and also helps for the better socializing of the visually impaired people.

The advantages of the new page are:

  • Possibility visually impaired to use the information offered by the Ministry of Transport.
  • At the homepage there is a spot separated for the secondary administrators of the Ministry of Transport, where recent information on its activities is being published.
  • Possibility for searching for a keyword or phrase, detailed search of a rubric with sorting of the results by name or date.
  • Easy access to archive matters. Usage of an e-calendar.
  • Download to PDF, HTML, DOC and other formats, as well a possibility to safe the content of every page of the site in format PDF.
  • E-Services.
  • The navigation allows the homepage to be contacted direct from every single page of the site on the instant.
  • The new site has been developed with the cutting age technologies, ensuring a high level of security and data protection.
  • The portal allows keeping a statistics about the visitors and detailed information for the most wonted issues.

In addition to  the new version, in the main portal there are some novelties. Entirely new rubric, displaying the development of the projects, which the Ministry of Transport is caring out, financed through European programs like ISPA, PHARE etc., announcement of the news by RSS aggregator. 


For Additional Information:
Yasen Zarev, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 94 85






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