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Minister Mutafchiev and Minister Berchanu Discussed the Project Danube Bridge II


The Agreement between The Government of Rumania and the Government of Republic of Bulgaria regarding the cross-border traffic of individuals, transport means, equipment, and materials in the process of constructing and putting into operation of a new combined (railway and road) bridge between the two countries on the river Danube will be signed in August this year.  This was negotiated by the Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev and his Rumanian colleague Radu Berchanu during a meeting, which took place in Vidin today. The expectations are the parliaments of the two countries to sign the agreement in September. The tenders for project executor will be opened on September 15, 2006, and in the period May-June 2007 the construction of the bridge must be started.

The both ministers discussed also the cooperation on the initiative for building of air space functional bloc (BULROM FAB). The date, September 20-30, 2006, for the 9th session of the mixed intergovernmental Bulgarian-Rumanian commission for economical and scientific-technical cooperation was also negotiated. During the meeting the accomplishing of projects for navigation and shipping improvement on the river Danube was also matter of discussion.  

Minister Mutafchiev offered a meeting with their colleague, the transport minister of Greece in the autumn of 2007, on which the building of the pan-European corridor IV should be discussed.


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Ministry of Transport     

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