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“The Progress of the Civil Aviation in Bulgaria in the Circumstances of the Accession to the European Union” – Subject of a Scientific-Technical Conference


Scientific-technical conference to the subject “The Progress of the Civil Aviation in Bulgaria in the Circumstances of the Accession to the European Union” took place today in the National House of Science and Technics. Promoter of the event was the Ministry of Transport and the “Scientific-Technical Association on Transport”.

The conference was open by Cyril Ermenkov, Chairman of the Administrative Council of the “Scientific-Technical association on Transport”.

During the conference the Deputy Minister of Transport Daniela Nikiforova gave a lecture to the subject “Development perspectives of the Bulgarian civil aviation in the competition environment of the European Union”

The discussion participated representatives of the Ministry of Transport, General Directorate “Civil Aviation Administration”, State Enterprise “ATC”, members of the Administrative Council of the “Scientific-Technical Association on Transport”, The Transport Department of the Technical University – Sofia, heads and representatives of air companies and airports.

During the event an exhibition “Destination Bulgaria”, connected with the aviation sector was presented. It was materialized under the patronage of the Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev.  


For Additional Information:
Yasen Zarev, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 94 85


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