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EA “Maritime Administration” an the Maritime and Coastguard Agency of the United Kingdom Will Sign an Agreement Memorandum


The Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency of the United Kingdom will sign an agreement memorandum. The event will take place today June 29, 2006 at 18 o’clock in the Residence of the British Embassy.

The last meeting of the administrative committee will take place at 10 o’clock and this will officially end the accomplishing of the twinning project. It was on theme “Putting into operation of a complete system for quality control in Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” and its implementation has been started in 2003 with the support of PHARE Program.

The project aims to strengthen the functions of EAMA, so that an adequate application of the common European low to be ensured, before the planed accession of our country to the European Union in 2007.            

The goal is to put into operation a computerized system for quality control, in order to achieve the measurable quality indexes, required from the European Union. All activities to the project were successfully accomplished in accordance with the time table. The successful audit carried out by SGS in May this year is indicative for the achievement of the targets of the initiative.

The Minister of Transport will attend the signing of the agreement memorandum. From Bulgarian side it will be signed by the captain Venzislav Ivanov director-executive of EA “Maritime Administration”, and from British side by John Astbury, Commander of the British Empire Order and Executive Agency “MCA”. The agreement aims to widen the cooperation between the two countries for achievement and preserving high standards of maritime safety.

With the international and the European forums EAMA and MCA strives for the introduction of improvements in the field of shipping safety, in order to reduce the number of the casualties and to avoid the contamination of the sea environment.


For additional information:
Gergana Grozdeva, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 96 25




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