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Port Ruse will Celebrate its 140th Anniversary


Port complex – Ruse Ltd. will celebrate its 140th anniversary. The event will take place on July 8th, Friday. The Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev, as well delegations from Belgrade, Novi Sad, Gjurgevo and Budapest will attend the feast.

During his visit in the town, Minister Mutafchiev will meet the mayor of Ruse Bojidar Iotov, as well the district governor Maria Dimova. The talks will take place in the municipality building. Afterwards Minister Mutafchiev will meet local journalists in the building of the district administration. At 11.30 o’clock the minister will visit the transport museum, and will examine the reconstruction works there. The 140th anniversary celebration begins at 15.00 o’clock in the building of the port complex Ruse.


For additional information:
Gergana Grozdeva, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 96 25




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