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Interdepartmental Team for Airport Ruse Concession Will Be Set Up Next Week


The concession analysis of Ruse airport are prepared, therefore an interdepartmental team for its concession will be set up in the next week. This declared the Minister of Transport Peter Mutafchiev during his work visit in the Danube town.

Minister Mutafchiev will make a proposal to Ministerial Council for the concession of the Ruse Airport. There is a possibility, the government to make a decision to start the procedure.

On July 10, 2006 The Ministry of Transport will offer the task for analysis of the impending concession of the port Ruse-Center as well, including passenger terminals, what will start the work on the concession analysis and the procedure itself. Minister Mutafchiev think, the two freight ports – Ruse “East” and Ruse “West”, whose concession is being also prepared, must be given under concession in a group, as there are investment intentions, shown from serious investors.   

The Ministry of Transport will invite outside consultants, to fix the terrain for building in Ruse the second Bulgarian inter-modal terminal.

The future development and modernization of the port is connected with bigger investments, first of all in region of the port Ruse “East”, where practical possibilities for extension and modernization of the port activities are existent.


For additional information:
Gergana Grozdeva, Press Centre,
Ministry of Transport
Phone: 940 96 25



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