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On the Occasion of the Sea Airport Concession a meeting with Syndicates Representatives took Place in the Ministry of Transport


In the Ministry of Transport, a work meeting took place with representatives of the two syndicate organizations KNSB and KT “Podkrepa”. It was requested by the head offices of the two syndicates, by their branch structures, as well by the syndicate structures of the airports in Burgas and Varna.

The reason was the coming finalization of the concession contract project for the Airports Burgas and Varna. During the meeting the syndicates put the following questions: if the interest of the state has been protected in the concession contract and  how the investments program should be implemented. Also discussed were the equal rights of both airports in regard of the concession.  The whole year operation  and the post-concession state control were also matter of the talks. 

The syndicates insisted that in the contract, the fulfillment of the collective labor agreements, signed with the former airport administration, must be guaranteed for the next two years. The labor agreements of all employed in the two airports must be maintained and guaranteed, by applying the requirements for labor relations of article 123 of the Labor Legislation. Special attention was given to the necessity of a purposive, perspective program for qualification and prequalification of the personnel, as well investments guarantees for improving of the work conditions.

Concessionaire engagement shall be the implementation of the good European practices, regarding the collective labor negotiations, respectively the annual raising of the incomes, according to the productivity of labor, work quality and the inflation in the country.

On behalf of the two syndicates, Jeliazko Hristov asked the Ministry of Transport to assist for a meeting between the syndicates and the concessionaire.

The team of experts from the Ministry of Transport which is working on the concession contract project informed the syndicates in detail about the development of the negotiations with the winning candidate. They declared categorically that the state will defend its interest for perspective and equal development of the both companies, as modern European airports, which must operate in an uninterrupted regime, 365 days in the year. The concessionaire shall apply the Bulgarian legislation in his investments program and shall give tough social guarantees, and shall ensure a program for training and qualification program in Bulgaria, as well abroad.

The negotiations with representatives of the winning concessionaire candidate for our sea airports Varna and Burgas are continuing. The negotiations team of the ministry promised to inform them in detail about the position of the syndicates.

The expectations are that the contract will be signed within the legitimate time.

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