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Three Application Forms for Infrastructure Projects on OP “Transport” Are Expected To Be Approved by the Managing Authority till the End of 2008


A work meting took place in the Ministry of Transport, in connection with the activities of the initiative JASPERS, regarding the preparation of the big infrastructural projects, foreseen for financing by the OP "Transport" 2007 - 2013. From Bulgarian side the session was attended by Vice - Premier Meglena Plugchieva, Deputy Minister of Transport Vesela Gospodinova, Deputy Minister of Finance Lyubomir Datsov, heads of the managing authority of the OP "Transport" and the beneficiaries NA "Road Infrastructure" and NC "Rail Infrastructure". From side of Jaspers the meeting attended Norbert Haan - Regional Manager for Southeast Europe and Alexander Alexandrov. GD "Regional Policy" of the EC was represented by Karsten Rasmussen - Deputy Chief of the department for projects financed by the European Union in Bulgaria.  

The representatives of JASPERS emphasized the positive example connected with the enlargement of the Sofia Metropolitan. As a result of the mutual efforts of the JASPERS consultants, the managing authority of OP "Transport" and the beneficiary "Metropolitan" Ltd till the end of the month the Application form will be send for official approval in the European Commission.   

Within the mainframe of the meeting the problems connected with the reorganization of NA "Road Infrastructure" were discussed, as well as the main problems connected with the delay of the preparation of the infrastructure projects in Bulgaria. Rasmussen summarized the key moments in the process of the preparation of the projects - the procedures connected with the impact upon the environment and the time for issue of the licenses by the Ministry of Regional Development and the Public Works. At the same time the EC gives special attention to the good communication and collaboration between the beneficiaries and the managing authorities of the Operational Programs.

The Vice-Premier Plugchieva confirmed the will of the Bulgarian Government to accomplish its engagements to the EC, regarding the building of the big infrastructural projects in the transport sector. She emphasized that the building of the highways "Struma" and "Maritsa" is a priority and all necessary measures are being taken to accelerate the preparation process. The Vice-Premier insisted for further expert support for NA "Road Infrastructure" namely for the preparation of the both highways, which are also a European priority.  

Deputy Minister Vesela Gospodinova informed the participants that till the middle of October all operational agreements between the managing authority OP "Transport" and the big beneficiaries - NA "Road Infrastructure" and NC "Railway infrastructure" will be contracted. Till the end of the year the Application Forms for the projects "Electrification and Reconstruction of Railway Line Svilengrad - Turkish Boundary and the "Building of the Junction of Highway "Hemus" with the Sofia Ring Road" will be ready. The expectations are that the tender procedures for executor and supervisor of the project "Svilengrad - Turkish Boundary" will be announced before the end of the year 2008.   

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