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Higher sanctions can be included by the MTITC in the Law on e-Communications in case of bothering of the number portability


In the Law on Electronic Communications can be included higher sanctions for a mobile operator that impedes the transition of his subscriber to another telephone company, said the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Parvan Rusinov during a round-table, devoted to the number portability.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications will introduce the draft amendments to the Council of Ministers in April. The working group that prepares the bill is opened to the participation of representatives of the operators and the NGOs, accentuated Parvan Rusinov.

The Law on Electronic Communications will fix a maximum period of 8 hours in which a subscriber can remain without service when changes the supplier of mobile telephone services. MTITC will include a possibility the contracts with mobile operators to be concluded for 12 months and the maximum date to be 24 months. The contracts will not be renovated automatically but only with the consent of the consumers. The new texts will oblige operators to inform their client about the expiration of the contract two months before the dead-line.

These are some of the expected changes related to the introduction of the new European framework in the field of telecommunications.

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