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Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (BULATSA) signed a cooperation agreement with the Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency (SMATSA)


The Director General of Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (BULATSA) Dian Dinev and the president and chief executive officer of Serbia and Montenegro Air Traffic Services Agency (SMATSA), Nikola Stankov signed an agreement on operational and technical cooperation of the two suppliers of air navigation service. The main aim is to be created a framework for bilateral relations in this area. This will improve the security and the effectiveness in their areas of responsibility.

The cooperation is based on the principles of partnership and mutual aid and the main areas account the context of the Single European Sky. Both companies are part of the chain for the air traffic service in the Balkans and in the direction of the Middle East to Western Europe and vice versa.

The agreement is a result of many years good cooperation in the air traffic in the region between both organizations. The arrangements about its signature were agreed on a bilateral meeting of the Directors-General of SMATSA and BULATSA in October, 2010 in Belgrade.

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