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An inquiry for the distribution of rapid internet starts in the country


A representative inquiry about the distribution and the use of internet and services relevant to internet, with focus on the rural areas will be made within the framework of before-investment study, announced by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. The analysis supports the investigation phase of the initiative for rapid Internet in remote villages using resources of the Rural Development Programme.

The inquiry will allow to be specified the target regions for inclusion in future investment projects. Will be created a map of the existing electronic communicative infrastructure; the social-economic development of the populated places, the potential demand and consumption of Internet and electronic services, as well as an analysis of the needed financial resources for providing of such consistency.

It is provided to be undertaken a campaign for explanation and popularization of the advantages of internet and the electronic services as well as increase of the skills of the population and the business in this area, in the distant regions on purpose increase of the efficiency of the investment

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