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MTITC and Sofia Airport have announced a photo competition


The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications and Sofia Airport have announced a photo competition for the best photo that has been made in the region of Sofia Airport. The competition will be organized under the aegis of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Aleksandar Tsvetkov. The topic of the competition is “The metallic birds of Sofia Airport”.

The aim of the competition is to be shown the beauty of the aviation, as well as the achievements of the contemporary aviation technics. The photo competition is devoted to 50 years since the first cosmic flight done on April 12, 1961 by the pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and 100 years since the beginning of the Bulgarian aviation on August 13, 1911 with a demonstrative flight above the city of Sofia. That demonstrative flight was done by the airman Simeon Petrov with the first Bulgarian plane “Blerio”

All photographers, professionals and amateurs without restrictions of age and nationality have a right to participate. Photographers under 16 years can take part only with confirmed assent of their parents and guardians.

The dead line for receiving the photos is April 29, 2011 (Friday). The nominated authors will be announced on May 16, 2011 (Monday) at the official web site of Sofia Airport.

The prizes are:

1st prize – a voucher for a camera to the value of 2000 levs; 

2nd prize – a voucher for an objective to the value of 1000 levs;

 3rd prize – a voucher for a stand to the value of 200 levs.

 It is provided the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Aleksandar Tsvetkov to bestow the prizes on an official ceremony. The date of the event will be announced 10 calendar days earlier at the official web site of Sofia Airport.

The best photos will be shown in an exhibition of the terminals in the period June, 1st – July, 1st, 2011. 

The details about the competition can be found from April, 4 2011 at the web-site of Sofia Airport.


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