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A register for e-identity of the consumers will be created within the framework of new project of MTITC under OPAC


A register for e-identity of the consumers and a system for identity control will be created within the framework of new project of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC). The Managing Authority of Operational Programme “Administrative Capacity” approved the project proposal of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications “Improvement of the administrative service of the consumers through building of the central e-government systems”. The value of the project is approximately 12 million levs and the deadline for its implementation is 18 months.

It is expected to be created a register for e-identity of the consumers as implementation of the project. The database will realize the principle of using of the information collected only once and at the same time its use many times by different administrations. This will simplify the submission of online administrative services. A central system for exchange of e-documents and information will be introduced for administrations.

In the framework of the project will be realized a central system for information through text messages.

The project provides the creation of central and integrated in the administrations system for online participation of the public sector in the managing processes. The new project of MTITC provides the building of centralized system for monitoring and management of the information security and operational compatibility.

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