EA “Automobile Administration” has checked 1 885 buses for 3 days
By order of the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications Mr. Ivaylo Moskovski massive check-ups has been started for all busses in the country. This action will continue until the end of this week.
In the frame time of tree day’s the inspectors of EA „Automobile Administration” have checked 1 885 busses and have signed 255 penalty acts. 26 busses were stopped from operating due to the technical delinquency.
The more frequent violations are:
- Flat brake disks;
- expired license for the operating drivers;
- warn out tires;
- lack of technical yearly inspection control;
- broken front glasses ;
- broken glasses for conversely vision;
- lack of routs schedule ;
- headlights problems;
- without issuing a baggage claims ;
- lack of documentation regarding the requisite;
- not certified technical equipment tests required for all operating busses;