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Minister Danail Papazov: The problem with the Operational Suitability Certificates for port operators is solved


At a meeting with representatives of the maritime sector today in Varna the Minister of Transport Information Technologies and Communications Mr. Danail Papazov announced that the long-standing problem with the Operational Suitability Certificates issued to port operators by Executive Agency ’Maritime Administration’.

Their validity will be idefinite and may be withdrawn in case of established violation . Minister Danail Papazov also announced the policy which he will apply to his subordinate administrative structures. Executive Agency ’Maritime Administration’, State Enterprise ’Port Infrastructure’ will not be moved from Sofia, but will follow a real decentralization aiming at inependency of the administrations in Varna, Burgas, Ruse and Lom in the operational decision-making.

Minister Papazov said that he is expecting the marine community to unite around concrete proposals for amendments to the Law of the Ports and the Commercial Shipping Code. According to him, there have been a lot of divergent signals so far. The proposed changes must withstand in time in order to avoid new readjustments, recommend Minister Papazov.

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