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Danail Papazov: We do not foresee the reform being accompanied by harsh and unreasonable redundancies


"We do not foresee the reform being accompanied by harsh and unreasonable redundancies." This was stated by Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Danail Papazov, at a meeting with railway officials in Plovdiv. According to him, the efforts will be directed towards a reform through investments.

During the talks, Minister Papazov presented the railways rehabilitation program, which is divided into three parts – short-term, mid-term and long-term. "The goal is to stabilize the railways and develop it in order to become a preferred transport," said Minister Danail Papazov. This is done because the railways do not only have a social function, but the investment in them has an environmental significance. "

One of the priorities in the program is an agreement on rescheduling the debts of Holding BDZ EAD. Talks with the creditors will be held at a meeting in early September. An important element is the attractive and active supply of railway service. "This will attract more passengers and cargo" he added. For this purpose, restructuring and modernization of the sector and the introduction of new technologies is necessary. Among the changes in the rehabilitation program is the recovery of the commercial departments of BDZ-Passenger Services and BDZ-Freight Services. "Customers should be able to get accurate information on our services," said Minister Papazov. In his words, in order to develop in the market BDZ-Freight Services must improve their logistics and develop a door–to-door transport service.

In the near future the sector will adopt an administrative reform to ensure links between the different units in the railways, in order to enable efficient work. “We need to shift staff from less busy units to the most active ones”, said Minister Danail Papazov.

"As a step forward for the railways, I will point out the construction of Plovdiv intermodal terminal," said Minister Danail Papazov to the attendees. According to him, the project will create new employment opportunities and will improve the living standard in the region. He presented the main priorities in the railway sector for the next programming period of Operational Programme "Transport" in the region. These include the rehabilitation of the rail line Plovdiv – Burgas (three sections are currently under construction and the rest are scheduled for 2014) and completion of the modernization of all railway axis from the Serbian border to the Turkish / Greek border (Dragoman - Sofia - Plovdiv - Svilengrad - Turkish / Greek border).

Minister Papazov’s meeting with the railway officials in Plovdiv was part of the celebration of their professional holiday and the 125th anniversary since the establishment of the Bulgarian railways. During the event, he awarded outstanding employees of BDZ and National Railway Infrastructure Company  from the region.

Minister Danail Papazov visited the main dispatch centre in the city. He met with the centre’s employees, which presented a visualization of train movement on the railway section Krumovo-Dimitrovgrad.

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