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Minister Papazov chaired the second meeting of the Public Council on water transport.


A working group of industry representatives will be established in order to identify and propose legislative changes in the field of water transport. This became clear during today’s Public Council meeting, which was chaired by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Danail Papazov. Within one month, the council participants must identify key changes to the in the Commercial Navigation Code and the Law on Maritime Spaces, Inland Waterways and Ports of the Republic of Bulgaria and designate representatives to work on them.

“Our goal is that all changes are not only discussed, but also offered by the industry in order to jointly settle any sector regulation deficiencies”, said Danail Papazov. In his words, the process can begin with a technical assignment in order to identify the main demands so that they can be adopted within the framework of the waterway council. Then, the working group itself can be established, which will have to propose specific changes that can be addressed at the meeting of the board before being accepted.

“Representatives of the Executive Agency “Maritime Administration” and Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company together with the industry are working on proposals for the amendments to the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for conducting mediation in employment", said Danail Papazov. In his words, the goals of these amendments are to guarantee Bulgarian sailors’ rights and enhance the prospects for their protection.

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