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Minister Danail Papazov chaired the third meetings of the Public Council of the Ministry


Options have been discussed on whether the sea and inland waterways should be divided into two different acts or remain in separate provisions of a general act, as it is at present. This became clear during the Public Council of Water Transport, which was chaired by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Danail Papazov.


During the Public Council it became clear that in the near future, it is expected a setting up of working groups with the participation of the industry, which will work on the changes in the Merchant Shipping Code and the Law on the Maritime Spaces, Inland Waterways and Ports of the Republic of Bulgaria. They are expected to bring in the offer for a possible separation of inland waterways and maritime shipping or keeping them in a general act; their position will be discussed at a meeting of the Public Council. "Our goal is to improve the connection between the river and the sea, and whatever option is chosen, it will be dictated by the needs of the sector," said Minister Papazov. According to him, in this respect there are works on several infrastructure projects, as the railway project Ruse - Varna will seek European funding via the Connecting Europe Facility mechanisms. "To be able to apply for it the support of Romania is needed, where we have already held preliminary meetings with their ministry and will be further considering the options in detail," added Danail Papazov. 

The main topics at the Public Council on railway transport were the amendments to the Law amending and supplementing the Railway Transport Act. Some of them are related to the possibility of the National Railway Infrastructure Company to carry passengers and cargo. At present haulier activity was carried out by licensed organizations. According to the prepared amendments Railway Administration Executive Agency will remain a regulatory body for control and supervision, where investigation of incidents will be carried out by an independent body - Aircraft, Maritime and Railway Accident Investigation Unit. 

During the Public Council in the field of road transport minister Danail Papazov insisted on debate on the structure of “Automobile Administration” Executive Agency and on finding an unified figure for Executive Director of AAEA who has to be acceptable from everyone. "Our aim is to unify the entire industry in the selection of a new Executive Director of "Automobile Administration" and unification on the proposals for the restructuring of this Executive Body" said Minister Papazov. He asked the participants to submit their proposals for legislative changes in the field of road transport in a short term period as well as proposals for the appointment of a new Executive Director of AAEA. "We continue the discussions on various experts but there is still no consensus of opinion" added Danail Papazov. 

Specific changes in legislation related to the general function of the aviation and procedures for international non-commercial flights on small airports and airfields in charge of reduced requirements under the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) were presented within the Public Council of air transport. These international non-commercial flights are domestic for the European Union. Soon for public consultation on MTITC’s website will be published the Regulation for light and ultra light aviation. This became clear within the discussions on the Public Council.

The Public Council in the field of "Information Technology and Communications” has continued with the discussion and the adoption of the working rules. The participants in the Council were introduced to the progress of the project for the development of high-speed broadband in Bulgaria. During the meeting became clear that filling of the list of the participants within the three thematic groups „Communications", „Information Technology, Information Society and high-speed internet" and "E-governance" began. The participants’ number will not be strictly regulated.

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