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Deputy Minister Georgi Todorov: Cybercrime causes annual losses worth 750 billion Euros


Cybercrime causes annual losses worth 750 billion Euros in the form of lost time, business opportunities and financial costs. This was said by the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov at the 12th International Conference on Information Security and Data Storage. He cited data from the European Commission, which say that, at any time, there are about 150,000 viruses or malicious codes on the Internet that infect the devices of 1 million users daily.

Based on these statistics, the private and the public sector do not always share information about breakthroughs in the network and the information security. Deputy Minister Todorov said that there are discussions in the EU on the idea critical sectors such as banks, energy, transport, internet services and public administration to report security breaches. This will happen if a directive is adopted to ensure a high level of network and information security within the Union.

Within the conference, "Bulgarian Posts" EAD shared their experience in implementing modern european approaches and protection of automated information systems.


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