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Minister Danail Papazov participated in the World Economic Forum in Kiev


The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Danail Papazov, participated in the "Strategic dialogue about the future of Ukraine" World Economic Forum, which was held in Kiev. In his speech he said that Bulgaria supports the European choice of Ukraine. "Recognizing the strategic importance of Ukraine's security, prosperity and stability in Europe, Bulgaria supports the signing of the Association Agreement, including a deep and comprehensive area of free trade with Ukraine at the Summit in Vilnius in November this year", said Minister Papazov.

Bulgaria further supports the Agreement to facilitate the visa regime between Ukraine and the EU signed in Brussels in July last year and its final liberalization after the full implementation of the plan for visa liberalization by the Ukrainian state, developed jointly with the EU. "I believe that the Bulgarian community in Ukraine will continue to be a bridge in relations between the two nations and will contribute to the strengthening of the Bulgarian-Ukrainian relations in the fields of economy, culture, science and education, development of interregional cooperation", said Danail Papazov during his speech.

He noted that Ukraine is one of the main foreign trade partners of Bulgaria and that our country is one of the largest trade partners of Ukraine in Southeastern Europe. "We expect the bilateral economic relations to intensify after the signing of the Association Agreement and the launch of the provisional application for a deep and comprehensive area of free trade", said Danail Papazov. In front of the participants in the forum, Minister Papazov expressed his hope for growth and diversification of trade and to expand cooperation between the two countries in the field of investments. " We believe that we should use the opportunity for the realization of joint Bulgarian -Ukrainian projects at regional level and seek funding from various EU programs", said Minister Danail Papazov.

The Summit in Vilnius is expected to mark a significant progress in the development of relations between the EU and partner countries. "The benefits of deepening the relations between Ukraine and the EU, using the mechanisms of the four thematic platforms of the Eastern Partnership, will be seen both in the short and long run", said Minister Danail Papazov. In his words, open markets , economic integration and political stability would make Ukraine a predictable and desirable business partner.

In his speech, Minister Danail Papazov said that through the initiative "Eastern Partnership" EU conveys a message of solidarity and readiness to further support for partner countries on the path to democracy and building the institutions of law, civil society and the market economy, putting emphasis on the rule of law, good governance, stability and protection of human rights.

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