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Minister Danail Papazov: I hope that next week the problem at the Turkish border will be resolved


I hope that next week the problem with crossing the Turkish border will be resolved. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Danail Papazov today in “Sedmicata” broadcast on Darik Radio. He added that the Bulgarian side continues to insist on a meeting with the Turkish side so as to address all issues. So far Turkey has not set a date for a meeting.

Minister Danail Papazov also said that at the moment there are talks between experts from   “Automobile Administration” Executive Agency and representatives of professional organizations during which they discuss the carriers’ problems at the border and the crossing of the Turkish territory. During the meeting the carriers said that hot food and drinks are provided to all drivers waiting at the Bulgarian border regardless of their nationality. They expressed their support of the position and the actions of the Bulgarian state once again.

This week there was a meeting with the Ambassador of Turkey, and representatives of the Bulgarian carriers and I think the necessary steps to resolve this issue will be made", said Minister Papazov. In his words the Bulgarian side wants equality in the distribution of single license between the two countries. "Our goal is to increase the number of permits to/from a third party, which are currently 1100, while the Bulgarian carriers require about 3000 permits per year", said Minister Danail Papazov. We strive to solve the problems of crossing the border through reasonable dialogue with the Turkish side as both countries are losing in the current situation, he added 

Speaking of thefts of railroad equipment Danail Papazov pointed out that this is one of the biggest problems of railway transport in Bulgaria. I this respect we want the provisions in the Penal Code to be clearly specified, by inscribing a definition of what railway infrastructure is, and such definitions may be taken from the Railway Transport Act, he said. In his words these amendments are not huge, but they should not allow loop holes in possible cases. We try to reduce violations on railway infrastructure with preventive measures too. We are also introducing surveillance of high-speed routes and major train stations but it would be extremely expensive to cover the entire railway network of about 7000 km, said Danail Papazov.

Regarding the debt of BDZ Minister Papazov said that there have been active talks with the creditors and there is a rescheduling of the debts over a ten-year period proposed. According to him, the plan is bearable for BDZ and would save the railways. Minister Papazov announced that by the end of the year BDZ’s system for online booking should cover all stations and trains. Currently there is a huge interest in it, he added. It is operationable without interruptions or complaints on behalf of the users.

Minister Danail Papazov said that e-government is not a page turned; e-government is developing every year, as it follows the development of technology. Minister Papazov denied all allegations that e-government is postponed till 2020. He explained that now there is an exchange of data between 32 registers, which are the most used by citizens and the business. According to Minister Papazov the most important task is to appoint a system integrator that is the organization that maintains the systems and ensures data security. The functions of the system integrator are described in the draft a new eGovernment Act.

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